used 2010s T-Rex Twister Chorus & Flanger Gray – Effect Pedal


2010s T-Rex Twister Chorus & Flanger Gray is in a used condition made by T-Rex and is for sale in the GB for a great price of £127.84 . T Rex The Twister Chorus/Flanger PedalWorks well/Issue free.The classic stereo chorus/flanger for guitar. Shimmering, rich, vibrant, swirling. Ther… an amazing Gray T-Rex gray 2010s flanger chorus…


This is in a used condition and is made by T-Rex, In stock and available to buy in the GB . T Rex The Twister Chorus/Flanger PedalWorks well/Issue free.The classic stereo chorus/flanger for guitar. Shimmering, rich, vibrant, swirling. Ther… an amazing Gray T-Rex gray 2010s flanger chorus twister rex t

  • 2010s
  • Chorus
  • Chorus is a modulation-based guitar effect that creates a rich, shimmering sound by splitting the guitar’s signal into two identical paths, slightly detuning one of them, and then mixing them back together. This process produces a doubling effect that simulates the sound of multiple guitars playing simultaneously, resulting in a lush, chorused tone. Chorus pedals typically offer controls for adjusting parameters such as rate (the speed of the modulation), depth (the intensity of the effect), and mix (the balance between the dry and chorused signals). By adjusting these controls, guitarists can achieve a wide range of chorus effects, from subtle, shimmering textures to lush, swirling tones. Chorus is commonly used in genres such as rock, pop, and jazz to add depth, dimension, and movement to guitar tones, creating a sense of spaciousness and richness. Popular chorus pedal models include the Boss CE-2 Chorus Ensemble, MXR M234 Analog Chorus, and TC Electronic Corona Chorus.

  • Flanger
  • Gray
  • rex
  • T
  • T-Rex
  • Used
  • Used Guitars Effects Pedals Amplifiers and Stuff for Sale in the UK

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