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Vega-Trem VT2 Teletrem Modern Tremolo System for Telecaster Guitars – £259 New


The Vega-Trem VT2 Teletrem Modern Tremolo System for Telecaster Guitars is In stock available now for fast UK delivery online for £259 + Delivery. The electric guitar started a worldwide musical revolution thanks to Leo Fender and his two creations: the Telecaster and the Stratocaster. Now, 7 decades after the launch of these iconic guitars,…


The Vega-Trem VT2 Teletrem Modern Tremolo System for Telecaster Guitars is In stock available now for fast UK delivery online for £259 + Delivery. This excellent piece of kit is manufactured by Vega-Trem and in New condition and comes with a great warranty.

The electric guitar started a worldwide musical revolution thanks to Leo Fender and his two creations: the Telecaster and the Stratocaster. Now, 7 decades after the launch of these iconic guitars, VegaTrem closes the circle by creating this vibrato for Telecasters — the VegaTrem VT2 Teletrem! This innovative tremolo grants the T-style a new sound without the need of modifying a single millimeter of Leo's fantastic original design!

This is, once again, a revolutionary creation since the Telecaster was conceived 70 years ago as a fixed bridge guitar and without space for a vibrato. The solution was to take advantage of the 6 holes that cross the body of the guitar from the bottom to the top, and place some springs that would allow the classic tremolo movement and, at the same time, enrich the tone and sustain without getting out of tune. This new tremolo/vibrato, with its very own VegaTrem tuning stability, expands the future musical possibilities of this legendary guitar: Tremolutionary, again!

T-type electric guitars were not originally designed to receive a tremolo/vibrato. But VegaTrem's audacious solution, combined with the use of extraordinary quality materials such as marine-grade stainless steel and brass saddles (like the classic design), enhances the tonal qualities of your Tele guitar — regardless of whether you're using the vibrato or not. Without a doubt, the possibilities of "pulling up" to up to half a tone, or "dive bombing", as well as the expression, the new sound and musical life a vibrato can give to these legendary guitars.

Installing a VT2 Teletrem, unlike other options on the market, deeply respect the body of your beloved guitar without the need of making any permanent changes. The VT2 Teletrem Modern is designed for T-style guitars that use contemporary dimensions bridges (69mm between the string holes to the top screw of the bridge pickup).

. Please read more for images, details and to place an order.


Guitar Accessories






The Telecaster, also known as the Tele, is an iconic model of electric guitar designed and manufactured by the American company Fender. Introduced in 1950, the Telecaster is one of the earliest solid-body electric guitars and is renowned for its simplicity, versatility, and distinctive twangy tone.

The Fender Telecaster has been played by countless musicians across various music genres and continues to be a favorite among guitarists worldwide for its timeless design, classic tone, and legendary playability. It has undergone numerous iterations and variations over the years, including signature models for famous artists, but its core features and iconic design have remained largely unchanged, solidifying its status as a true classic in the world of electric guitars.



Tremolo is a guitar effect that modulates the volume of the guitar signal at a regular rate, creating a pulsating or “shaking” effect. This modulation can vary in intensity and speed, allowing guitarists to achieve a wide range of tremolo sounds, from subtle rhythmic pulsations to more pronounced, choppy effects.

Tremolo pedals typically offer controls for adjusting parameters such as rate (the speed of the tremolo modulation), depth (the intensity of the effect), and waveform shape (such as sine, square, or triangle wave). By adjusting these controls, guitarists can customize the tremolo effect to suit their musical style and preferences.

Tremolo is commonly used in various music genres, including rock, surf, country, and indie, to add texture, movement, and dynamics to guitar tones. It can be used to create rhythmic patterns, add emphasis to specific parts of a song, or create a sense of tension and release.

Popular tremolo pedal models include the Boss TR-2 Tremolo, Strymon Flint Tremolo & Reverb, and Electro-Harmonix Super Pulsar.



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